
Our alumni and friends provide essential support for the Division of Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences teaching programs and research enterprise. The division benefits from annual unrestricted support and major gifts designated for special purposes. Your generosity plays a critical role in our ability to fulfill our mission and is truly appreciated. Every gift counts.

We invite you to be a part of the division’s success in educating the next generation of leaders by making a gift to the division either online, via mail, or by phone.

Student Scholarships & Fellowships

Scholarships and fellowships provide critical support to the success of students in the sciences. They are a key priority for all departments. While strengthening student recruitment and awareness, student support ensures the success of undergraduates and enables UCSB to recruit top-tier graduate students. They allow exceptional students to meet their educational goals while enabling them to spend their time focusing on their studies and conducting research.


Endowed Chairs

Endowed professorships ensure faculty excellence. Created by a philanthropic gift, these highly prized academic positions are supported by earnings from invested funds. While the state budget pays for the faculty member’s salary, the proceeds from the endowment provide enrichments, such as support for research and instruction, that are important to the recruitment and retention of the world’s greatest scholars. 


Faculty directly inspire and educate students to be future leaders while conducting groundbreaking research that impacts the world around us. At UCSB, we have a proud tradition of encouraging undergrate and graduate students to work closely with faculty mentors on original research. To remain competitive with top universities, support in research funding and faculty recruitment and retention is vital to the growth and sustainability of our outstanding reputation as scientific and thought leaders.


Unrestricted gifts to the Division can be made by credit card through our online giving form. Give to any of the associated areas below by selecting from the drop-down menus in the form:

  • Dean's Fund for Advancing the Sciences
  • Biomolecular Science and Engineering
  • Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering
  • Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Earth Sciences
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
  • Environmental Studies Program 
  • Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
  • Neuroscience Research Institute
  • Physics
  • Psychological & Brain Sciences
  • Speech and Hearing Sciences
  • Statistics and Applied Probability


By Mail

To make a gift by mail (via check or credit card) or to designate your gift to a specific purpose not available on the online giving form, please download and fill out the donation form (pdf) and return to:

Bethany Innocenti
Lead Director of Development for the Sciences
Engineering and the Sciences Development
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6035


By Phone

To make a credit card gift by phone, call Bethany Innocenti at (805) 893-4963.


Additional Giving Methods

Matching Gifts

Many employers sponsor corporate matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions that their employees or spouses make. Matching gift programs can double or possibly triple your donation. Please obtain your company’s matching gift form and return it with your contribution.

Wire transfers or gifts of securities (stock)

For information about making a contribution via wire transfer or gifts of securities, please contact Bethany Innocenti at or (805) 893-4963.

Planned Giving/Estate Gifts

You can make a gift through planned giving vehicles such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, gift annuities, bequests, or other vehicles please visit UC Santa Barbara’s Planned Giving website or contact:

Ilana Ormond 
Director of Planned Giving 
Phone: 805-893-5556 

Give Now

Development Team

Lynn Hawks
  • Senior Assistant Dean of Development
  • Engineering and the Sciences
  • Phone: (805) 893-5132
  • Cell: (805) 450-8599
Bethany Innocenti
  • Senior Director of Development
  • Sciences
Erin Kozaki
  • Senior Director of Development
  • Engineering and the Sciences
  • 805-893-5254